Taking Pride In The African Food

Taking Pride In The African Food

In this article, I will be taking you on a culinary journey through the amazing dishes of African foods. This will shed light on the diverse ingredients and cooking techniques used in African cuisine.

Maize (chibage)

Food has always been a basic need for human survival and even for everything that has life in it. In this article, I’m going to shed light on some of the best African dishes that you ought to try whenever you get a chance. Most of these dishes are the staple foods of different African countries, hence they are of high significance to the African community because they are often on the basis of a balanced and healthy diet, providing all the essential nutrients.

Firstly, let’s take a look at Southern African Sadza which is originally from Zimbabwe. Sadza is a Shona (Zimbabwean language) name given to a cooked finger millet meal (Zviyo), maize meal (chibage), and Rapoko Mhunga) meal and is the staple food in Zimbabwe. Sadza can be identified with different names depending on the locality or country, for example in South Africa they refer to it as pap, Ugali in Tanzania, and Posho in Uganda, etc. Sadza is normally served with a variety of sides which includes vegetables, soups, and meat, which can be stewed or grilled and is the main source of carbohydrates, proteins, and dietary fiber needed by the body.

Another popular and superb dish found in West Africa is the Jollof rice which is mostly eaten in Nigeria. When this dish is being made, bold spices are incorporated which makes the dish extraordinary. The dish is made from rice, ground beef or lamb, onions, tomato sauce, and a blend of spices which include cumin, ginger, and garlic only to mention a few. Jollof rice is a major source of protein hence it provides all the essential amino acids that human health requires.

Moving to East Africa we have another marvellous dish which is mainly known as the Zanzibar mix, mostly eaten in Tanzania. This dish combines a variety of foods in the same dish and including fried cassava, potatoes, and plantains, and is served with a side that is normally a slice of spiced meat.


Last but not least, the North African delicious and amazing food that is popular due to its fragrant spices. One of the popular dishes is Tagine. This a slowly and totally cooked stew made from meat or vegetables and is mostly served with couscous.

Concluding, African cuisine is a resemblance of unique and diverse ingredients that are originally found within the continent. Presented with so many dishes make sure to give them a try whenever you get a chance and you will find yourself falling in love with the unique tastes of African dishes. I highly recommend you give it a try.